1. Itsubun on Naruto

    The young lady who was mean to Sasa has moved to a new domain, and posted something other than fantasies about rape. Namely, a reflection on Naruto (mostly Naruto the character). I suggest scrolling past all the weaksauce chatlogging, and read the real content. It's well put indeed, if you …

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  2. Learning from manga

    As seen at AstroNerdBoy, there's another manga-based quazi-textbook. His key question is, "So, will this work? Will people who read this actually learn statistics?" The answer to the complimetary inversion is obvious: those who read in order to learn will not read this. Certainly there must be better books for …

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  3. The new Dragonball short


    By downloading their own proprietary media player, you can actually watch these episodes subtitled for free until January 2009.


    I wonder if anyone can take a capture through the analog hole.

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  4. Zyl on Minorin (not the seyuu)

    Here's a novel theory:

    But I can’t help but remember how her cheerfulness may just a coping mechanism to deal with her weaknesses, her fears, her pain. The greater the latter, the more outlandish her genki behaviour. I haven’t seen the manga but Minori strikes me as someone …
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  5. Mai-OTOME S.ifr 01

    It's very nice to have oneself challenged sometimes, you may see something good by accident, like the most awesome fetish maid in years (pictured). Sadly the cosmic balance requires exciting magical battles to be met with rampaging lesbians. That was just bad.

    Animation was strangely unfilled on many faces, it …

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  6. Slayers Revolution 01

    I wish I could say that it was the shittiest shit ever shat down the shitter, because this is how it felt. But actually the show was very nice if one can get over the characters and story that welcome fecal comparisons, so I cannot say that. Especially Lina is …

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  7. Naka-dashi rebirth

    Naka-dashi (㊥出し) started as fetish site, mostly bondage. It was so feisty that I did not dare to link to it, and the banners they ran would never be seen at Sankaku outside of 3 layers of warnings. But a couple of months ago they suddenly mellowed out. It …

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  8. Index 01

    Not bad. Futuristic setting with cleaning robots which also perform security functions... Could be worse.

    The animation is pretty and the "SD" mode is not very SD, but only a little D. I like that.

    The exposition was sort of heavy-handed in the first episode already. It's hard to imagine …

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