1. DS' mental bandwidth

    DS rants on the topic of sub vs. dub, writes a couple of mildly interesting things. However, there's one point where he's mistaken, I reckon:

    As for subs, I know that tj han wrote a while back on what’s the point of subtitles if you can’t understand Japanese …
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  2. Hashi-hime on Lucky Star

    Hashi-hime makes a comment Jeff's place (I wish she'd make it on her blog though, at least we'd have a permalink):

    No, the show did not “rely on jokes and gags to get its point across.” It was not a joke show, it was a humor of living show. Few …
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  3. Ender and old favourites

    As seen at Sea Slugs:

    Surprisingly enough, I find many of the early 90’s shows to be on equal footing with most modern series in terms of animation. Sure, we have developed a lot of advanced techniques for making fantastic looking anime, but today’s tight budgets severely constrain …
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  4. Keitai Shoujo at BOST

    I finally got around to looking at BOST. Unfortunately, there was nothing to buy. The Keitai Shoujo is free of charge for now, and the other titles are not available in America. The flash video itself works well enough. The quality is about what we were getting with fansubs in …

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  5. Lawson on Lucky Star

    Jeff places Lucky Star (らき☆すた) on step 8 with this:

    So, despite being an uneven show, Lucky Star somehow managed to keep me hooked. Was it some sort of Kyoto Animation voodoo magic? Was I just really, really bored? Did I have a crush on Kagami?

    Nothing …

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  6. Orion on plushies

    Seen at epic win:

    6. Boota

    The adorable sunglasses wearing, self-sacrificing mascot of the Gurren-dan would make for a great plushie! I could just sit him next to me on my desk and feel the spiral power flowing as I kick writer’s block to the curb and pierce the …

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  7. Prof. Impz speaks

    Published: Sat 15 December 2007
    By Author

    In meta.

    Impz was busy doing the real research, and produced these insights:

    The average number of links for a blog is 3.95. Considering the amount of blogs in the analysis, the amount of links is a good indication on the lack of interactivity within the community in terms of links …
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  8. Barren wasteland

    Josh posted a weekly release list, and it's just bad. Haven't seen such an empty week in a while: 21 release and not a single one worth watching. Amazing! Also, the sub steamroller continues to advance (38% of the 21 are subtitled releases), it's too bad they keep subbing garbage …

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  9. Inside joke

    Published: Fri 14 December 2007
    By Author

    In meta.

    In case anyone is wondering about today's strip at Daijoubu, "Uranusine" is a take-off on "Saturnine", the handle of Owen. TheLargeN represents TheBigN. Thus the strip is about the self-organization of bloggers and Owen's megalomaniacal scheming to take over the animeblogging world.

    P.S. Dear DS, please use an anti-aliased …

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