
I'm just back from a Japanese midterm; it's going to be a miracle if I get more than 50%. But it certainly won't happen: I left half of the questions blank, some for the lack of time, some for missing elements.

Bloggers were completely off the leash this week, I did not even try to keep up.

Some continue to post Begining of New Autumn summaries, namely Hop Step Jump did one and back-from-the-dead Astro added another. I never do these things because I never have time to scan the requisite number of series, and by the time I examine even 4 or 5 top series, everyone else has moved on. One answer might be just to select two or three promising series, like Badger does, but the problem is, I can never predict what is going to be good at the beginning of the season. Who knew what Rocket Girls were going to be? If not for the coverage at Don, I would not even know they existed.

Other continue their own thing... Just two items:

Kabitzin reviewed Seirei no Mobito, which seems like a swashbucker. I made a note of it, for the purposes of expanding horizons. I can't be just watching seifuku forever.

Sasa bought Timotei. For some reason I thought that the line was discontinued in the 90s, but apparently it still exists in the more obscure corners of the Old Europe.

So, blogging is going to be light here, but there's no shortage overall.

