Lawson on teatrical anime

Jeff Lawson writes about the teatrical anime, or lack of it. Not much for me to disagree with, but I'm going to make a quick comment.

And even though Naruto and Pokeman movies are a dime a dozen, I don’t think anyone cares all that much with the exception of the children of Japan.

Quite so. Without invalidating Jeff's point, I thought that Naruto-based Mission to Snow Country was unusually good. In my experience, series-based movies usually are worse than their acncestors (Sakura Taizen and Escaflowne come to mind). But Mission to Snow Country was rather watcheable. I'd buy a ticket. Well, I'd rather buy a ticket to TokiKake, but let's not overreach here.

UPDATE: I wasn't following, and meanwhile the proper English title became "Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow".

