Spurred undoubtedly by the unexpected popularity of Ani-nouto among the faithful, I undertook the most comprehensive attempt to keep up with the season yet. The result was the same, however: only one series reached the finish. The rising attrition is another illustration to my bandwidth issues.
Firstly, I started out with mapping everything remotely worth watching. AoMM (now DbD) was late with a thin slicing, so I used Tenka Seiha and added things off Hashi-hime's list (e.g. Tales of Symphonia). Resultant shows entered the rally, although I kept adding obviously missing titles, as the following list attests.
Mokke: seen 0. Sounds like something I'd like to see, but... the bandwidth.
Moyashimon: seen 0. Sounds like something I'd really like to see, but... the bandwidth. Also, the trap?
Prism Ark: seen 0. Clearly had no chance, but Aroduc liked it.
Kimikiss: seen 1. I regret that I let Clannad to lead over it. I may yet catch more of this beauty before the year ends or thereafter. It was suspended because Mao was a bitch, but then I saw Kei Shindou. Uh. I guess everything is learned in comparison.
Myself;Yourself: seen 1. OP/ED were nice, but it clearly followed the psychotic comedy route. I'm sort of glad I didn't stick with it after seeing how ABgA dealt with it in the end.
Keitai Shoujo: seen 1 (or, rather, 0.25 because it's a 6-minute episode). I think it's fair to say that it's a lame attempt to reimagine To Heart, unless they pull something absolutely astonishing in the ep.6.
Minami-ke: seen 1.2. Kana is insufferable. The acting is not a wooden as in Ichigo Mashimaro, but still not enough.
Clannad: seen 2. This is better than Kanon where I hated every character, so I wanted to give it a big chance (at the expense of Kimikiss, essentially). Clannad threw the chance away with the fighter girl and her hapless admirer. And let's face it, the rest of them weren't much: mostly retards and crackpots. The quiet pan-eating girl looked ok, but I suspect she'd be a nutcase too (although Lawson says not).

Sketchbook: seen 4, largely because Astro made me. Not a bad trip really, but...

Bamboo Blade: seen 5. This is better than Muteki Kanban Musume: the humor is less repetitive, and has a story which ends somewhere. The only reason I finished MKM and not BB is that BB faced far stiffer competition. I think I'll get R1 DVDs of this.

Dennou Coil: seen 8. Absolutely awesome production, design, writing, direction, everything. It's a juggernaut, tour de force, and thus reminds me of Shingu very much, which is also popular mostly among connoisseurs. More is said elsewhere.

ef: seen 9 and is well on track for completion. It's a reasonably uncontroversial win, despite the sex (but a happy sex!), strange frame composition and "distracting" objects, irritatingly gratious references, and on and on and on. I want a timeskip epilogue with Chihiro's children, but I know that it won't happen. Although, how about an OVA, SHAFT?
I found no hidden gem this season in the way Rocket Girls were in the Winter. The utterly irrelevant previews aside, anyone who saw one episode knew what ef was going to be like. It only surprised with the strength of the execution, that's all. Others found Moyashimon, but alas not me. And I think it wasn't well hidden, frankly. Sucking rotten gull innards and leather-clad hot women were bound to attract attention. If highly skilled professionals who made Dennou Coil used that trope... you know it is guaranteed to work.