Voices in the intartubes

First up is Minami-ke:

<Extrange> wtf? <Extrange> You don't know Touma? <Extrange> Heretic <zaitcev> Is she their mother? <Extrange> Clue: same anime, not the same family <TheBigN> zaitcev <TheBigN> that's why you should watch the anime. :P <Extrange> there is another Minami family <TheBigN> Tomo and Miu annoy me to hell, but somehow, Kana doesn't. :3 <zaitcev> Yes, but... the traps? I am afraid of traps. <Extrange> lol <Extrange> Touma is a reverse trap <zaitcev> Oh, well, I suppose that helps a little. --- mellow_bunny is now known as Mako-cakes <Extrange> well, Chiaki has a "selective" vision <Extrange> so she adopted Touma as her "brother" <Extrange> oh and Touma has 3 brothers, which are as crazy as Chiaki's family.... <Extrange> want more info, Zait?

No, I don't think I want any more information. My decision to drop it was correct.

Next, Darker than Black:

<theholyduck> i remember sukoshi talking about her experiences in her anime club <theholyduck> and some bleach watchers <theholyduck> oh man.. that as hillarioous <theholyduck> and they couldnt sit through the first 5 mins <theholyduck> cause it had a guy breaking his own fingers <theholyduck> with acompanied crunchy sound effects <theholyduck> and screems of pain <theholyduck> she asks them what kind of gore and action they watch

Not watching that either.

