My bragging about Linux jinxed my desktop. For the eating the own dogfood purposes, it runs the bleeding edge of Fedora Linux, and thus its components are constantly shifting, packages can be incompatible at times, etc.
This time I broke my VLC by forcing an update to libavformat. I saved the old library, but apparently it wasn't enough. Now VLC cannot find a fourcc encoder for PNG, and so it cannot take screenshots.
I went around it by taking screenshots with GIMP, but it requires swithing from XVideo output in VLC to legacy X11 to work. Doing so changes the way VLC renders DVDs, and results in ugly artefacts. If you cannot notice them right away, look closer at Rin's jawline while she's saying "ha. ha. ha." (these half-closed eyes just tickle me).

Fate/stay night shapes up quite nicely. I cannot explain. It does not strive for a materpiece status, but everything just works. It aims squarely to entertain, characters are likeable... by comparison with, say, Kana of Minami-ke, who sadly are the rule these days. Not everyone would agree, of course. Here's what Evirus wrote:
Male leads with no redeeming values are a given in simple harem comedies — even outright despicable ones are tolerated under the proper conditions. But True Tears seems to have more going for it, so I have greater expectations for it. As such, I can’t abide worthless characters. In a way, it’s similar to the biggest flaw in the Fate/Stay Night anime: Emiya was such a waste of space he dragged a promising show down to his level.
Well, Emiya has issues, but so does Mr. Naruto Uzumaki. Also, harem is rather downplayed in FSN.
BTW, I noticed FSN originally because one of reasonably known blogs had a set of about 6 Rin poses in the banner. I cannot find it now, or I'd link. The banner had about the same dimensions as Nigorimasen uses, but CalAggie has the rotating image directory open, I looked through it, and it's not there.
UPDATE: DiGiKerot wrote to tell that it was Minaide Hazukashii, and indeed it was. I visited J.P. when I searched, but the banner was too tall. Now I understand that the alpha-blended signage made it look deceiptive.
The repeating background makes it look like the images were captured from a ren-ai game, but there wasn't one.