Scott on Lucky Star OP

Anime Almanac:

This semi-rap aspect of the song was just too unusual for me, so I thought it was an epic failure of a theme song. But after listening to it a couple of times, I started to like it. Not only did I start to like it, I was loving it. It’s odd style of the spoken word verses made them very memorable. I found myself saying things like “Let’s get, cherry pie” to myself all the time. I became a total fanboy for this theme song!

There's that. Although, it's good thing nobody mentioned it to me before and ruined my enjoyment: I hate rap.

Originality is rare in the anime business, and the Lucky Star theme shows that taking creative risks can pay off in the long run. But that kind of success can come with a price…

A few months after the Lucky Star theme made it big, the risqué OVA show Indian Summer (Koharu Biyori) came out with a theme song that seemed very familiar…

Spoken-word intro, spoken-word verse, singable verse, j-pop chorus, and a callback to the spoken-word intro at the very end… this is just copying the Lucky Star theme!

I think Scott is overstating his case. I heard the Penguin Girl ED and it's nothing like the Lucky Star OP. But he includes links and so anyone can listen and decide for themselves.

