Druaga vs. Roadside Picnic

I read another one of them slapstick-loving people, praising ep.05, and thought that I might as well regiser my own wish.

Druaga (or Druaga S2) would much more awesome if it took the ideas from book by Strugatsky brothers, Roadside Picnic. Climbers and Stalkers seem rather equivalent to me. Moreover, both have an endgoal. Since nobody is going to read the book, I might as well spoil more: imagine the old Gil sending his own daughter to be sacrificed by Jil to defeat the final boss... This does not exclude lulz that Druaga we know and love has, of course, just serves to make it more purposeful. Lulz in the story, not in the filler, that should be the guiding principle.

I guess I have to disclaim the horrible artsy movie that Tarkovsky made from the well-processed bones of the book. That route would have Jil being emo like Shinji Ikari... Yes, that bad. That's not the kind of interpretation I have in mind.

