Seen in the season's preview at THAT (via):

Overall, Hyakko remains the horse to bet on, although comparisons with Minami-ke concern me. I suppose it all hinges on Torako being an annoying dumbass like Kana versus something more palatable. I liked parts of Minami-ke.
And don't e-mail me about ef.
UPDATE: Ah yes, Kannagi. Missed it by accident, DiGiKerot reminded me. It's high time for Pygmalion to be animated, don't you think? OK, I know that this is different... [UPDATE: Steven claims priority for this analogy. Honestly, I completely forgot about that post. — Author]
MORE: Oh goodie, DiGiKerot has a full-on post now.
If you liked the previous seasons, than you’ll probably at least want to try the follow ups.
What? No. Say no to milking!
The [Kannagi] series director for this one is Yutaka Yamamoto, who, unfortunately for him, is probably best known as the guy who directed the unfunny episodes of Lucky Star