Moribito at Adult Swim

Blogosphere failed me yet again. Alerted by a random dude (at #anime@FreeNode of all places), I found that I missed 2 episodes of Seirei no Moribito shown on TV in my locale (next is ep.03). With the Internet having all the shows all the time, I lost the habit to track the rigid TV schedules and programming the TiVo ahead of time. Oh well, I suppose I can see it on DVD in Japanese later.

I'm especially surprised because Moribito was supposed to be a high-profile, high-budget show back in its day. Reviews at Bateszi's and Sea Slugs were reasonably positive. Kabitzin in particular notices "astronomically high" production values. Now it's here and nobody on the Internet cares. It's just the disconnect between the TV and the Net.

