Aroduc on Kannagi

And I thought he was strict to Hyakko. Now he dishes out punishement not seen since Jason Miao savaged H2O.

What really surprised me here was how horrible a character Jin was. He spent most of the episode staring at Nagi’s butt or trying to look down her shirt… or being so frightened of panties that he nearly had a panic attack. He’s basically a spineless voyeur. Hell, he was even going to feel her up while she was sleeping. So he’s arguably a date rapist in training too.

Then Hashi-hime chimes in with the following, in Aroduc's comments, just to make our life more interesting:

Clearly, and by a million miles, the best show of the season so far. Yamamoto Yutaka, the director (creative force behind Suzumiya Haruhi, fired as director of Lucky Star after four episodes) appears to be the comic genius I thought he was. Brilliant comic timing and storyboarding (he directed and storyboarded this first episode himself). And excellent animation. The beautiful movements, especially of hands, must have blinded me to any dodginess. All I saw was excellence.

You have a blog, Hime, so BLOG IT. If I were not delayed by anime club today, I would not even see it!

UPDATE: Otou shares at least some of Aroduc's dislikes:

Jin could be another good lead for the season, but when he tries to sneak peeks at the sleeping Nagi, is he being a normal teenager or a closet perv?

We'll know probably by ep.8.

