Hikago on Dai Mahou Touge

While the whole blogosphere hotly anticipates Dai Hahou Touge at Chizumatic, Hikago has already seen it.

From what little I know of the mahou shoujo genre, there seems to be very little biting commentary on tropes common to the parodied genre, instead we get a lot of violence to fill in for dialogue and development, although it is often tightly enough integrated with the episode’s plot to not be superfluous. The high levels of brutality (but no gore) could turn people off from the series but I did not feel it to be excessive and the viewers quickly become accustomed to what to expect. [...]

Hmm. And only 4 episodes? Dokuro-chan would've been much better in 4 episodes.

UPDATE: Steven raps Hikago's knuckles a little, and it looks like he has a case:

But the guy Pete links to seems a bit clueless. For instance: "As the series was only 4 episodes long and probably makes most of its money through DVD sales, I had expected more “fan-service” to act as an additional selling point."

It was an OVA. That means it made all of its money through DVD sales.


