Aroduc on Fight Ippatsu 01

Why bother torrenting when you can read everything about Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan 01 and Sea Story 01 at Tenka Seiha? I even suspect that it may be more fun to read Aroduc than to watch actual episodes.

Also, observe the editorial position:

Outside from that though, there really wasn’t any more fanservice than you’d expect in your run of the mill bad fanservice show, but certainly paling in comparison to Queen’s Blade, Kanokon and their ilk. It’s also helped by the fact that while Sento’s a fan of the skintight suit, his first reaction to Plug flashing her panties in his face was to club her with a baseball bat. That’s the kind of male reaction to bad fanservice that I can get behind.

See, this is exactly the feature of the early broadcast Sekirei that made me nodding with approval and what their DVD releases destroyed (apparently (NSFW)).

