Lolikitsune on Honey and Clover

He opens with a barb that I cannot do better than simply quote, if only because I'm in full agreement:

According to ghostlightning, his wife, sybilant, hates tragedy. Apparently she enjoyed Honey & Clover all the way through, up until the ending—and apparently the ending was too much for her. When ghostlightning related this to me, I thought to myself, “was the ending... tragic?” I recalled lots of tragedy throughout the course of the show, be it in flashbacks (Morita’s family’s past) or in the present (Hagu’s accident), and compared to these instances of tragedy, the ending just didn’t measure up for me.

If he were a troll such as the one his reputation is, he would have stopped right here. But what follows is a masterful analysis, laying on the foundation of deceptively simple common sense that academic douchebags find difficult to fake. Just think back to the omni-popping bicycle wheel, and see that he speaks the truth when he mentions Yuta carries the nostalgia from the start.

Aside from Honey and Clover, Lolikit also applies his clear outlook to 5cm and boy, does that sparkle. I already see the faithful raising the "you do not understand" defense. It's only a small part though.

(Thanks to IcyStorm for the broken link reminder, fixed now).

UPDATE: DiGiKerot is not taking it, in comments:

But putting that aside for a second, such a large part of nostalgia is the yearning for days gone by and the knowledge that such days will never return, the craving for past experiences you’ll never have again. It’s depressing, mournful, sad – nostalgia is inherently tragic.

So, if you want to argue semantics, it thereby follows that whilst the ending to H&C isn’t a tragedy, it is still tragic ^^;

(you have a blog, blog it on your blog, yada yada)

