Seitokai no Ichizon 01

Evirus wrote:

With the exception of Hashihime, nearly every opinion I've encountered regarding Seitokai no Ichizon has been profoundly negative.

Dunno what "nearly every opinion" he means, but Aroduc was rather effusive by his grumpy standards:

Wow. I kind of hate to admit it, but this was a delightful episode. The art and animation was… not stellar, shall we say, but Deen put together a rather fun little parody filled tongue-in-cheek comedy that cruises right along from joke to joke without ever really stopping to catch its breath. Presentation really is everything. The harem bit, the thing I worried about the most, actually turned out to be rather enjoyable. Ken flat out tells them, and in fact, insists that the rest of the cast is his harem and his goal is a "harem end" with all of them. At the same time, he’s neither lecherous nor overly perverse, and instead goes out of his way to honestly help them out without any ulterior motive.

Sagematt used the Chinese Water Drip Torture method on #animeblogger to make me give Ichizon a try. I lasted for 9 minutes 32 seconds before losing interest and going back to Starship Ops, which is a far more exciting and engaging show. I might've paid more attention if they had a Yamato Nadesico type in the harem, but Chizuru Akaba is really not cutting it. I may get back to this when a dry spell hits.

