Aroduc on Hidamari Hoshimitsu 01

At least he watches it.

While this episode isn’t quite as well made as the first episode of x365, Shaft really polished the art-style up quite a bit this time around. The color palette is noticeable brighter, there’s less use of pastels, and all the character art in general feels a lot better defined and offset from the backgrounds. I want to say that their outlines are thicker, but I don't think that's it. They also abused the hell out of CG this time around, which was a tad creepy in places.

Screencaps report that the wide heads are as wide as ever, so I don't know if "really polished" would be the right description. Having dropped Hidamari two times, I don't know if I should bother. I'm not even done with my rewatch of GA:GADC. And I hate CG in anime.

