Jessi's S1E1 and how not to run blogs

SDB announces that S1E1 published something again, which you would never know if you were subscribed to the site feed. Jessi saw fit to pipe the feed through and then discontinue doing it without an announcement (not even a 404). Now everyone who cares reading her amusingly hate-filled screeds have to resubscribe -- which they will know to do only if they read Ani-nouto or Chizumatic.

This story is a good illustration why I viscerally hate bloggers who use 3-rd party replicators like Feedburner (obviously Kabitzin and Zyl hate me too because both use Google feedproxy at present). Sure, perhaps RSSPECT was a bad website, but Jessi gets the blame for the "no announcement" part, and for the ridiculous idea of using RSSPect in the first place.

UPDATE: Steven says that Jessi is a victim of circumstances and novice's ignorance, and that someone else ran the blog. But even if it takes her off the hook, the lesson is still there.

