Mitsudomoe preview imagery

Seeing how I vote against Kabitzin readers in proportion of 1 to 177 makes bloggers' juices flowing. I don't even watch anime anymore, but that made me want to episode-blog Mitsudomoe, just because everyone is so... contrary.

Unfortunately, the material at the official site is a bit... shall we say, Hanamaru-like, except I do not see any Yamamoto.

And yes, "おませなサドガール" means "precocious, sadistic girl", just like ANN promised. On the other hand, Hitoha is reading a book. Score!

BTW, observe: Hitoha - girl #1, Futaba - girl #2, Mitsuba - girl #3. Just one short of Yotsuba. But if she makes a cameo appearance, fans will pee themselves.

UPDATE: Major Arcana notes that the term "Mitsudomoe" means "a traditional Shintoism symbol of the threefold division between Heaven, Sky, & Earth." [Aroduc notices that "it's Humans, Heaven, and Earth actually .. mostly because Heaven and Sky are synonymous."]

