Miao on Mitsudomoe 03

I don't care for his attempts to ride the concept of "brokenness", but we need more blogging commentary like this:

Dad was awesome. A role model, really. I liked how he thought it was a good idea to run through the city while clutching his daughter’s underwear a la Araragi after Nadeko Snake. “Hey, kids! Good news! I brought your underwear! I had to run under this hot sun to get here, so don’t mind that they’re a little bit damp with sweat!”

(I absolutely do not blame Hitoha and Mitsuba for throwing him under the bus. That’s was a bad parenting job by him. I guess the lesson is… if you want to be a better parent, a more supportive girlfriend, or a more effective teacher, don’t take lessons from anime.)

Episodic blogger-tachi! Say "no" to retelling!

