Pleasures of international piracy

Tried out watching SW2 02 at Rutube. Subs are pretty bad in the liberties they take in order to add the spice. In America, translator's butt would've been handed to him on a platter in various forums.

I'm sticking with raws for now. But it's good to have some backup.

UPDATE: Zyl asked me what the subtitles say. That is actually a difficult question, because answering it amounts to translating from Russian to English and keeping all the subtleties: the same task an unknown translator has attempted, only between Japanese and Russian. I would say that a close English translation would be, "Where the fuck are those Romanian witches?!". Original Mio said, "ロマニアのウィッチーズまだか?!", even without the -は particle. Clearly, it's not something you want to translate as "Have the witches of Romania arrived?" Russian has become laced with obscenities in the recent decades just as much as English, especially if voices get raised. And "черт побери" is just mild enough. I am not qualified to find the right level, but I expect a truly proficient translator to find a trick to make it sound better while being literal. As it is, it's rather crude, IMHO.

