The real Biscotti

Someone had to compile the list of foods of Dog Days eventually. I am sure they did it before, actually. This one links characteristics of foods and characters:

Genoise is a type of sponge cake that is often layered with butter cream or mixed with flavored syrups or liqueurs to create various other types of cakes. But on its own, it tends to be both dry and supple in texture. Unlike other sponge cakes, the genoise is a whole-egg cake, opting to keep both the egg and yolk; this is where it gets most of its protein, though there are variations that also add in butter. I can definitely see how Gau’s Genoise trio live up to their name, as they are a fascinating blend of ditzy personalities and battle-ready warriors.

Interestingly, a pastila is a Russian for a sweet that is somewhat soft, somewhat spongy, and traditionally comes in small, elongated bricks. It never occured to me that pastische is actually a type of sugar.

Also, there appears to be an exception to the food naming:

Although he is more often called by his given name, Bernard, General Sabrage not only leads the Knights of Galette, but also commentates the battles when not on duty along with Framboise and Percy. As befits his name, sabrage is a technique for opening a bottle of champagne with a sword, most commonly a sabre. By sliding along the seam of the bottle, you can strike where it connects to the lip with the blunt edge of the sword and knock off the end along with its cork.

So, Bernard is not a food? How many other non-Earth characters are not? I think that some of the announcers are not. Maids, too.

Steven reminded me about the obvious: women get names referring to sweets, while men do not. However, some of them are somewhat cryptic and/or frenchefied, like "Jaune". Also, what about Mr. Framboise?

UPDATE: Steven told me later that Jaune is a member of Genoise, and her last name is Clafoutis. This is what you get for relying on ANN.

But as to the girls, their names are

Jaune Clafoutis
Vert far Breton
Noir Vinocacao

jaune means yellow; vert means green, and noir means black, which are the color themes for their respective clothing.

clafoutis is a baked desert pie based on black cherries.
far breton is a kind of custard desert in Brittany
Vinocacao is the brand name of a French choclatier

