Oh Steven, you trickster

I follow DD2 with a big delay; but a good anime cannot be spoiled, etc. etc., so I admit that I looked at Chizumatic's account of ep.3. It ends thus:

Truly an awesome battle, and fun for everyone. Quite a success. And the final strip count for this episode was 6. All told, in this entire battle nearly every cute girl got stripped: ½Kuuberu, ½Becky, Nanami, ½Yukki, Rico, ½Eclair, Vert, Jaune, Noir, ½Millefiore. (And we add Shinku to the count, though he isn't a cute girl.)

So far so good. But, I also looked at Moero Amazon's piece, and boy, was there much more than just the above:

魅惑の入浴シーンが描かれなかったのは大いに不満。 それでも、湯上がりのベッキーの髪をシンクが結うのは良いなぁ。

Aira's screencaps are so miniature, that I did not even realize it was Shinku fixing up Becky's braids, until I read about it. But wait, there's more! Becky apparently makes forceful moves, about which Steven neglected to inform us.

しかし、これまた急にこの関係がいつまで続くのかとか嫌なフラグっぽい言葉を。 可愛い女の子に囲まれてるシンクに、誰が本命なのかと問い詰めたり。

Accompaining screencap includes not just all the usual suspects of "可愛い女の子" who "囲まれてる" Shinku, but also Yukki and Countess d'Ambrien. Wow, really? Not that I don't love Brioche-san myself, but come on. She could be Shinku's grandmother!

ベッキーって、シンクと今以上の関係になりたいとは考えてないのか? フロニャルド滞在の間に、その関係が大きく変わると良いんだけどなぁ。

関係 - kankei - relationship, in this case; more often used in "this is none of your business"/"anata ni kankei nai". Different from "kizuna" this way.

QUICKIE: Perhaps spoke too soon. In comments, Steven mentions "Becky asking Shinku about girlfriends". The little icons are probably what Becky's inflamed imagination summoned... Could've included Genoise, too.

