Evirus on Valvrave

I'm going to quote the full para because guys, it's gold. Reading Evirus' critique of Valvrape is better than watching it. It's like Lem's critique of fictional books:

Kakumeiki Valvrave is a ridiculous mecha show by Sunrise which is incredibly aggravating when it is promoting the triumph of teenagers over adults (even when it does it satirically) and decidedly myopic when it naively focuses on the importance of the school as a social construct. I actually can't tell if Sunrise is making fun of its (presumably teenage) audience, or if it is honestly trying to sell a story about youth empowerment to a generation for whom school is almost literally its entire world — a generation that grew up knowing approximately zero-point-fuck-all about war. I mean, the SCHOOL seceded? Really? And they elected a flibbertigibbet as their leader? Seriously? And the deepest desire of the refugees is to engage in traditional school functions after reaching safety? I think Sunrise is trying to coyly accuse teenagers of being simpletons, but a part of me suspects a solid portion of its viewers actually embraces these preposterous developments unironically. Remember that an early extended scene actually used the confiscation of cell phones as an example to depict the horrors of war. Japanese teenagers would likely be appalled at the prospect of having their beloved keitai taken from them, but surely even the most self-centered of these youths understand that actual refugees and displaced persons from real-world war zones would not sympathize with this particular loss even a little bit. But like I said, I can't tell. This is what makes Valvrave so bad that it's good, I guess.

And he's not even using the chuu-word that I can't spell.

On a personal note, all this reminds me about Shingu, where the school was equally the center of the world, but in a mature way and a for a good reason. Difference between pandering schlock and the best of anime, I guess.

