1. Toradora ends

    I'm not sure if I like the Ami end. Honestly, I didn't understand it.

    Otherwise, great show for a romcom. I think... I completely lost my bearings in the post-Nanoha age. I see the quality, but I don't have the gut feel for it.

    Liked: Yeeees
    Rewatch: Maybe, although …

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  2. Aroduc on Spring 2009

    It's somewhat different view than Hashi-hime's, because of knowledge of the original source, from the gamer roots and access to manga. I have no foggiest idea if Jump is any "less abhorrent" than anything.

    Unlike Aroduc, I don't think that "newbie director" is necesserily bad. RahXephon had a newbie director …

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  3. Stellvia trivia

    A random link of the day made me notice that Fujusawa city includes Katase area (same kanji as in the show). The Wikipedia article also lists Machida nearby. Googling further, Kazamatsuri and Kayama are train stations in Odawara city, a little further west.

    They are all in it together!

    The …

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  4. Totali on Maria+holic finale


    I’m going to be completely honest here. Maria Holic was a disappointment. Not that the show was terrible by any means, but I was hoping for so much more from a Shaft production. What I was expecting from this series was a whacky show based around a lesbian …
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  5. Choux on Toradora 24

    Heavy spoilers to follow, I'm not even kidding.

    Toradora 24 makes a sudden turn as if specifically to address my previous objections. From petty and irrelevant things became significant and meaningful, when goings-on came to a head. I may write about it more when the series ends.

    Now I wish …

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  6. Druaga:Sword 11

    Neeba was out of arrows just one episode ago and now he shoots Henaro (from a bow that he discarded god knows where). GONZO have completely lost their marbles. Just go bankrupt already and stop this embarrassement.

    UPDATE: Chris e-mails to point out that a) Neeba possibly only spent special …

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  7. Hashi-hime on Spring 2009

    Published: Sat 21 March 2009
    By Author

    In anime.

    Translations: en

    48 series. Quite a few catch the eye. The K-ON may be another Manabi (from Kyoto-Ani instead of UFOtable), Queen's Blade (another Sekirei, possibly), Natsu no Arashi may be something like a swapped Kurau, and more. In any other time I would be quite excited about such a full season …

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  8. How Avatar perceives F/SN

    This is what a professional sees when watching DVDs:

    Went back to watch some Fate/Stay Night out of the box I'd picked up a while back, and... I'm kind of disappointed. Not in the show (seen it already), but in the subtitling job, or the authoring job, or both …
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