1. Hige on Haibane Renmei

    Hige vs Otaku:

    I feel my rewatching of Haibane Renmei requires a brief word. Yes, I was one of the poor simple fools that discarded it after the first four episodes (DVD volume one), but I’m willing to reassess such misdirected dismissal when enough people shit their pants about …
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  2. In America, Houston had a problem

    Published: Sun 14 September 2008
    By Author

    In meta.

    Ubu is back. He commented @Chizumatic:

    The eye passed right over my house which took over an hour, because it was so huge. Then the backside hit, which had really picked up in strength; it was worse than the leading edge.

    I take it, no more Kanokon for him until …

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  3. Mahou Shoujo

    I just noticed it now when Pink Sylphide updated, although apparently Crisu started the chain.

    Interestingly, Christopher prefers teaching by example, whereas just about anyone else I know would reflexively start from trying to categorize or list attributes (Transformation Sequence, Secret Identity, Magical Animal Companion, etc.) But for the expert …

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  4. TJ on the Summer 2008

    TJ and his master baiting. What would the anime blogging be without them?

    Anyway, anyone who watches and enjoys that whatever Nogizaka show deserves to be castrated.

    Mental note: Nogizaka must be awesome to tick TJ (also, Omo liked it).

    On a more serious note, TJ's pretentions to discuss the …

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  5. Sekirei overload

    I've seen Sekirei 07, where they started to kill each other in earnest, and decided that I had enough of that HiMEtardity. Musubi's idiotic pact with Karasuba was the final drop in the cup. So the plan was to let Karasuba kill everyone (or at least half) and then see …

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  6. Sekirei vs Azumanga

    Oh goodie.

    You dumb shits do not deserve making cameos like that (no disrespect to Kusano, obviously — she's only a victim of her scriptwriter).

    UPDATE: Matthew sagematt@#animeblogger says that it's not a penguin, but a wagtail (aka 鶺鴒【せきれい】 or трясогузка). Get it? A clever …

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  7. Sekirei vs. Nanoha

    I wish Musubi were a Nanoha to Tsukiumi's Fate (Matsu is obviously Hayate). But the presense of Haruo spoils everything. Musubi is not interested in messianism, this is what Haruo does.

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  8. Kaedrin on trackbacks

    Published: Fri 12 September 2008
    By Author

    In meta.

    Mark wrote today that he's disabling trackbacks. Although he started with coredumping, which is clearly a mere bug and thus tells us nothing about merits of trackbacks, the money quote is this:

    During the 8 year tenure of this blog, I've received exactly 11 legitimate trackbacks.

    I'm glad we finally …

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