1. Minna de Mojipittan

    Unlike bluemist, I'm not much into wild remixes. I just want to hear the prototype song... but Interutbes fail me. The YouTube video has voice track corrupted. What I found at Nico-nico is better, but is done unmixed (fades around Yutaka's voice). So much for the remixing culture.

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  2. Aziz on Escaflowne

    He says "awful". If you guessed "movie", you win.

    Nick comments that the movie is "rather pointless" and "doesn't make much sense without the series", with which I disagree. The movie made perfects sense, and simply was bad. Aziz even went mild on it: he didn't mention sorrows and noses …

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  3. Druaga 06

    Another episode, another filler, but more interesting than the one before. A kind view would be a "character development" episode.

    Man, after being fed the postmodern twaddle for so long, I love how anime is a heterocentric trip, yet it's perfectly harmonized with any kind of perversion, subversion, and whatever …

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  4. Ecchi-nouto and Google

    Check out the recent results from Google Trends for "anime, hentai":

    What does this mean? I think the writing is on the wall for animebloggers: sex it up or die.

    BTW, I mentioned before how I introduced buddies from my jeep club (actually, "get out into a desert and drink …

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  5. Owen on Lucky Star

    Excerpting the piece would not give it justice. What I really should be do is to save it, in case he has to hop domains again.

    My own analysis was rather pedestrian; I observed that pieces Scott liked are almost exact inversion of pieces I liked, and since my pieces …

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  6. A strong DVD week in R1

    Forgot to mention, this week in R1 releases was unusually strong. A few things draw attention.

    Kirameki Project - Box Set (sub): This should be one DVD, why is this a set? BTW, ANN says "ecchi, mecha"; good vote spread. [he's fast -- already watching]

    Lucky Star - Volume 1: So buying this …

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  7. Druaga 05

    I did not like the ep.05 at all. To have a filler so early in the show is just wrong, jokes were utterly retarded. Only some things were amusing, for example Mulitply Coopa Trap. BTW, is this just me, or Coopa's facial distortion was right from DBZ? I swear …

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  8. Epic Win on Kurenai

    Orion says:

    Kuhoin Murasaki is perhaps the most intriguing character in the series. She’s clearly quite precocious, having come from an upbringing that’s taught her how to behave in adult society, as well as providing her with a humorously extensive vocabulary. Yet at the same time, the strictness …

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  9. J.P. on Futari Ecchi

    Seen at Minaide Hazukashii:

    As for Futari Ecchi, sex is obviously in play in this series since it’s basically a sex manual.

    I don't know if he needs to say more, but he does... without a single screenshot too.

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