1. Bateszi on FLCL

    Seen this a while ago, but had no free moment to take upon it:

    You could say FLCL depicts that painful transition between late adolescence and young adulthood; a time when you’re too old to do kid things and not old enough to do adult things. Characters, failing to …
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  2. Chris Beveridge sells AoD

    It took me quite a while to find this one sentence in the wall of text, but Chris says:

    I decided to sell the site to the folks at Mania.com [...] Working with them, I and the entire staff will be taking this site into their larger platform where we …
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  3. Lawson on business of anime

    The comments section in an entry on "studiotolatry" at Animanachronism underscores the meteoritic rise of that blog: it looks like Who is Who of anglospheric animeblogging. Only SDB and Omo are MIA, busy with real life no doubt. Jeff Lawson is there too (emphisis is mine):

    Honestly, I think a …

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  4. Don on BOST

    The moment of truth has arrived: DRM-free downloads are here. Don says:

    I registered and purchased the minimum quantity of BOST “points” (a disorienting process: the PayPal page was initially specific to Japan, but I live in Kansas, not Kansai). [...] However, the [iPod] episode wouldn’t play in VLC or …
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  5. What we've seen in Japan

    Overall, just about everything in Tokyo was exactly as I expected. I've met all of it in anime, which turned out to be quite truthful. Akihabara, not generally portrayed in anime I watch, was disappointing with its crampled stores.

    Ueno Park was PACKED. The crowd mills around, and parties drink …

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  6. Josh on Druaga

    For an avoved pusher of BOST I'm way behind the curve due to illness, work, and other real life issues (not to mention a huge unwatched pile: Hourglass OVA, 12K, M;Y, and now Shuffle!). Fortunately, I don't need to see everything, because bloggers do. Seen at Josh's:

    The first …
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  7. Twin Spica at TAF

    Another thing I've seen at the wall was this poster:

    At first, in my monumental ignorance, I thought that it was an ad for a future show, but in fact it's a historic poster for Twin Spica. It's understandable that after Rocket Girls I have a tropism for shows of …

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