This seems strange to me:
It’s been a while since I did a real rant & rave post so here I go for old time’s sake. I was just thinking what my fellow comrad does on his blog and flames everyone while shutting comments off so no one can …read more
Seen at Animanachronism:
Quite what the negative consequences of being ‘caught’ are is somewhat unclear, but a hint can probably be found in the phrase ‘One is GAR for men and gay for traps’. Being caught supposedly induces some kind of anxiety about one’s sexual orientation.
I think Daniel …
read moreHow can I skip this? It's the twin and nemesis of Stellvia, Vandread. J.P. says:
Vandread is basically what Dragonaut could have been like, assuming that they wanted to make the show silly rather than it being unintentionally funny. In fact Vandread makes jokes about things like gattais that …read more
I visited the awards place and found that several people nominated me for "rookie of the year". I think Impz should blacklist me from that nomination as ineligible. Although the first post to Ani-nouto is less than one year old, I blogged about anime for years; although the first tagged …
read moreActually, I have already decided to give Special A a try after seeing a short blurb at Wonderduck's, but Hung provides a bigger write-up. BTW:
I’m pretty sure Takishima stole this move from Sasuke.
It's not necesserily Sasuke, methinks. We see kagebuyo first as executed by Lee, and Sasuke …
read moreHere's another lesson to look for reasons for judgements rather than judgements themselves. Astro says:
I shouldn’t be surprised that there is terrible anime being made, or even surprised that somebody bothered to sub it. But Jesus, this took the cake as the most horrible thing I’ve ever …read more
In reality, Hinano does not appear to know about Rocket, inconceivable as it may sound. So, any competition between her new project and Starlight is just my imagination, but whatever. Once she gets the ball rolling, the competition is going to come to exist objectively.
Her designs look very good …
read moreEveryone knows the "poisoned by manga" phenomenon, when someone reads the parent manga first and then unable to take an anime adaptation on its face value. Since I never read manga and essentially play no games, I rarely experience it. But, as I mentioned before, Hourglass of Summer, or Natsuiro …
read moreIn comments at Aziz's Nick mentioned that Legend of the Galactic Heroes comes in Japan on 46 DVDs. That's about the size of classic Naruto before the big fillers start, maybe a bit less. J.P. has watched it all.
Seen at Minaide Hazukashii:
I usually describe LoGH as the …read more