1. Narue begins... and ends

    I wanted to write that I never watched anything quite as dumb as The World of Narue, but actually I have: the original Futakoi. And Futakoi was more pleasant to watch.

    Liked: No (lasted for 3 episodes)
    Rewatch: No

    UPDATE: Evirus is not happy. I'm afraid we'll have to agree …

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  2. Rocket Girls and Danny Choo

    Danny made a post about a new(?) figurine of Yukari of Rocket Girls and asked:

    Never did get round to finishing off Rocket Girls but after seeing this figure am thinking of picking it up again - any thoughts on the anime?

    I wrote about it before:

    As an anime, it …
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  3. The golden age is now

    I watched a couple of episodes of NieA_7 back to back with some Lucky Star, and the contrast was quite striking. I haven't seen the 2006 Kanon, but it's clear that KyotoAni know their stuff.

    I mean, you just look at these confining lines! Not only drawing in Lucky …

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  4. Shingu and hubbub?

    BigN wrote (elsewhere) about "the hubbub about it [Shingu] these past couple of weeks". With all due respect, this's not hubbub. The hubbub is going to happen when Jason Miao sees the facial distortions.

    I'll be first to note that Nayuta is not doing what is known as "panteon class …

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  5. Shingu: We've got Omo

    Well, it was rather Jeff than "we" who "got" him, but anyway, welcome to the bandwagon club [link].

    Ever encounter a situation when you find yourself totally appreciating something that is well-constructed, beautiful, meaningful, and unique, but totally unable to enjoy it?

    Indeed, I can see people having a problem …

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  6. Parallel Dual ends

    Well... I suppose not every anime is Haibane Renmei.

    The harem formula in Dual is the same as in Zero no Tsukaima: the chosen girl (the original Mitsuki) is fairly nasty, and an alternative exists which is far superior (Mitsuki II), but due to various circumstances the male lead is …

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