1. SDS on Gurren-Lagann

    Here's something seen at Towards our Memories, written by a guest-blogger "SDS". Since ToM is not an ad-supported blog, I'm going to quote the gist of it:

    There’s a hypothesis going around that each arc of the recently-finished Gurren-Lagann pertains to an era or decade of giant robot animation …

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  2. Aoi and Mutsuki

    I looked at Aoi and Mutsuki (the sequel) in order to recalibrate my scale. I thought that I bitched too much about insignificant details of jawlines too much recently, and I needed a look at bad anime.

    It was surprisingly watcheable. The story was trash and I dropped it 15 …

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  3. Gundam 08th MS Team

    The 08th MS Team turned out quite epic in the end; pretty much Shingu and Stellvia level of epic.

    Norris is my favourite character. He lived well and died well, and is a good role model. I'd love to be Norris when I grow up. Ginyas though... gives us engineers …

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  4. AD2225 and Figure 17

    Seen at AD2225 today:

    I remember watching Figure 17. That’s 12 episodes at 40 minutes each. I was blown away at the depth of it. (I also had no idea that they were 40 minutes a pop when I started. I was thinking to myself, “Wow. They managed to …
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  5. Manabi Straight Special

    The Manabi Straight Special is a pure filler episode, wedged into the continuity somewhere between ep.6 and ep.7. I had a tiny hope that it would be some kind of a follow-up episode or a reunion, but alas, it did not happen. In the same time, over-sexualization a-la …

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  6. KnJ cancellations

    Moetron brings us news about the Mie TV jumping the ship.

    Frankly, I don't give a rat's tail about the plight of poor oppressed pedophiles who cannot get their snuff over the air and have to what two whole weeks to dowload it. However, the big question is, where is …

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  7. Manabi Special is here


    Amazon.co.jp released it 2 days early so it can arrive to me at the street date, which is appreciated.

    I looked into the booklet real quick, and it seems like pure, 100% pandering. They introduce a new character, a strange maid (her blurb says "ちょっ …

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  8. Stripey on Sky Girls

    Stripey does an excellent job rehabilitating Sky Girls for me, so I added it into the queue. Initially it was rejected as Strike Witches wannabe which could not go past the mundane, and also thanks to Wonderduck's write-up of the OVA (apparently lost now, the old link goes into nowhere …

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  9. Manabi on its way... kamo

    Just received an e-mail from Amazon.co.jp about my order, which says: "お客様からご注文いただいた 商品 を本日発送させていただきました。" It better mean that my order is …

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