1. RahXephon notes

    By its nature this is going to spoil, and not just RahXephon, but Lain et al.

    Art and Animation

    Animation issues were obvious from the start. They've really overdone it on the clean look and reduced number of fill patterns, and it detracts a lot. The [background] art was beautiful …

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  2. RahXephon, Avatar had a finger in

    Noticed something in the credits for the ADV R1 release of RahXephon:

    Andrew Kent is of course Mr. Avatar. Good job, and nice subs. Ms. Oono did quite well too. BTW, I wish the DVD were not mastered to switch to English audio in the beginning of every episode, but …

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  3. RahXephon ends

    Well, this was pretty tremendous. The storytelling in RahXephon is convoluted like in Lain, but the story makes a touch more sense. Or, rather, it meshes with characters better.

    One thing is certain: there's nothing like good Engrish to lighten the mood.

    Liked: Yes for quality, no personally.
    Rewatch: Possibly …

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  4. Lucky Star 20

    Why do I continue to watch this silly show? Maybe because it's beautiful (this statement is not meant to endorse Kanon 2006).

    Almost there... BTW, I was told that A.F.K. is a one man show. There are a few channel ops and host managers, but all of the …

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  5. Karmaburn today

    Evirus sez:

    After finishing Nadesico, the obvious follow-up is VanDread.

    I don't even need to pencil any remarks, I'll just type them in for an extra touch of immediacy.

    • He finally started cropping black areas away for a much better look.
    • Let's assume the Nadesico->Vandread progression. What's next?
    • Due …
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  6. Mahoromatic begins, to an extent

    I survived an episode and a half. Here's the best part:

    The adorable eating chick was the only character that I liked. Other notable things were: a pretty animation in the "modern" style of early 2000s, which the creators have no qualms to lapse when action picks up; unbelievably tasteful …

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  7. SUB pulls ahead?!

    Coincidently with my recent entries about Kikuko Inoue and mecha, I was at Netflix's page for Gundam 08th MS Team two minutes ago, and she's featured there as a major star poster-like.

    Which is fine, she is a star... in Japan. But aren't the vast majority of Netflix subscribers supposed …

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  8. WSJ and Renegade on anime diplomacy

    A fellow AB member Renegade linked a yet another article about Japanese government supposedly waking up to the popularity of anime. There is nothing new to it for anyone who was following the events. Supposedly more Americans are studying Japanese now than in any time in history (This observation comes …

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  9. Rethinking Mecha

    It is quite plain that a certain level of anti-mecha sentiment festers among the anime fans. In my recent memory, Impz wrote about it, and so did Steven den Beste. The core belief here is mecha series generally tend to suck because the shiny metal takes the focus away from …

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  10. A weak principle

    Cannot avoid spoilers for Chobits and Figure 17 in this entry, so with this in mind...

    As a take off on Ayako doctrine, Steven formulates "The Inoue Kikuko principle: any character voiced by Inoue Kikuko must be hated," and supports the case with a list of "repulsive" characters, including Chitose …

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