However, given how moe is as common to manga and anime nowadays as dirt is to the ground, it’s kind of hard to avoid the stuff, now isn’t it? I have to respect those who show disdain for moe not for their impeccable taste, but rather …read more
Now that's LE!
Shortest Blog Entry
Concrete Badger has updated. RTWT.
OK, I'm cheating. For a good posting, I should have added that the entry deals with Badger's ruminations about slice-of-life and anime endings, and perhaps added a quote. I'm just doing this for illustration purposes. I was talking to Owen about shortest blog entries, so …
read moreUsefulness of recommendations
Steven crunches some numbers and writes:
[] as a practical matter, audience recommendations for titles I "might want to consider" have been utterly useless, far more likely to be wrong than right at predicting audience (me) satisfaction.
I rely on recommendations heavily. Exceptions exist, of course; for example, I decided to …
read morePortball
I Figure 17 ep.3, children compete in a game of Port Ball. Google does not appear to know what it is:
I am surprised that no fan ever recorded it, so here goes.
Teams of four play on a court about the size of a basketball court or somewhat …
read moreStrike Witches as series
Astro expresses a hope for a series of Strike Witches.
I adore the short, but I am afraid that real series would destroy the mood (感じ). The whole point of Strike Witches was to absolve of constraints of the real world where unpleasantees like a propeller strike exist. It's …
read moreThe radio nation
I was reading Hashihime and started wondering if Japanese actually listen to the radio, and if yes, how. In America, most listeners tune in when they drive somewhere or when they are in a mindless entry-level job. So, radio mostly comes in two varieties: driving radio, which delivers traffic and …
read moreTsunderape
Looks like ZnT 2 is more of the same. I am not impressed.
The term "tsunderape" was launched by an anonymous IRC dweller Sky.
read moreAD2225 on (early) Mahoraba
Mahoraba is crap