SDB's lookahead buffer

Steven publishes blurbs. Let's see...

Bamboo Blade: Funny, nice cast. Nothing special, but has a category at Ani-nouto.

Umisho: No information. Jason Miao was big on it.

Nagasarete Airantou: No information. Although... I remember Steven being hard on Sister Princess in J.P.'s comments for girls being props. Well, duh.

Manabi Straight: Cannot do better than requote myself:

Manabi, which turned upon the titanic struggle of the 4+1 main girls to save their festival. Usually when a director wants to highlight characters at such level, he has to resort to robust violence, tragic love, robots with drills, end of the world, or a combination of them. One thing about Azumanga was that while it had well developed characters, they were not challenged; everything was pastel colored. But the fury of the conflict in Manabi allows to paint everyone in primary colors.

The problem is, it starts slowly and the first several episodes are a chibi festival. Please use these flowers!

ZnT 2: Not only it's a sequel to milk the fanbase, they reset Louise to the same brat she was in the beginning.

Kanokon: No information (but I heard it was pretty dire).

Do blurbs tell us any of it? If they do, one needs serious skills in reading between the lines to find the information.

