Calaggie on Momono-san

Back when "Mahoraba Notebook" page was still updated -- obviously before "Anime Notebook" existed -- Momo-chan received a special mention, like so:

By all rights, Megumi Momono is not my kind of girl. She is a drunk, free-roller with no compass. I don't fall for the glasses or piano skillz. However, her affection for her man earns her a few points in my book. We do not know if she would be able to translate it into a strong real-life relationship, and realistically speaking she probably can't, but we are spared the mess in these series. And it's hard to resist her risque charm.

For some reason the drinker onee-san type is not commonly realized in anime, or not as adeptly as in Mahoraba. The only good attempt that I recall came in Minna Kawai-sou.

With that in mind, the following question was seen at the reborn Nigorimasen:

I have the first four volumes of the manga but I haven’t read much of it so I don’t know if Megumi and her boyfriend see each other again in person or what kind of send-off/wrap-up she has at the end of the manga.

Indeed... I have the first 6 volumes, but I stopped when I found out that Japanese scalpers bought out the entire run of v.12, and refuse to sell it overseas. A weird case of patriotic xenophobia, don't you think? Fortunately, the whole manga is on scanlations.

Back to the answer though... It is a "yes"! But a difficult part is to find the proper level of spoiler, to make it exciting enough but not ruin everything. So, how about this:

Who do you think this is? A little girl... who likes children picture books... Come on, take a guess.

