At the meeting a week ago, I caught a two-part DVD special Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, which in better times would've been called "OAV". Weird stuff. It seems like humour for the sake humour, and a very heavy-handed presentation at that. So, not my cup of tea. On the upside, I …

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  2. SDS on Toradora

    Why is it that three quarters of bloggers summarizing Toradora think it necessary to engage into tedious retelling? Even a refined blogger like SDS does it, and the advocacy suffers a great deal as a result. Tell us what you think about the show, we can read synopsys at Wikipedia …

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  3. Azu(manga) to be reprinted

    According to Tiamat (via), Yen Press is going to re-issue Azumanga Daioh. The interview was dated before April 1.

    The ADV release is the only translated manga that I have, so I'm not likely to buy the reprint. But I'm wondering how successful it's going to be, if the paper …

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  4. Toradora VN is coming

    I was browsing Amazon randomly [*], and ran across what looks like a Toradora VN, to be released on April 30 2009 for PSP. Tempting. But what if I buy it, and there's no Ami path? /wrists

    [*] Actually, I caught an ad at sidebar of Akibaos (NSFW ads). But this seemed …

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  5. It's more than 48 in this Spring

    Remember how Hashi-hime listed 48 new shows? Today Moero Amazon opens Cooking Idol Aoi! Mai! Main!. Cabbage! Cabbage! Raechel Ray, eat your heart out! The series appears not to be listed. Hashi, why do you hate Chisa Yokoyama? Also, how many more are there left below the radar?

    UPDATE: Mattew …

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  6. Bateszi on Toradora

    Published: Sun 29 March 2009
    By Author

    In anime.

    Translations: en

    Big guns really come out today for Toradora. Here's Bateszi's take:

    Then we have Toradora. I watched the final four episodes this morning and not expecting much at all, I was surprised by the impact it wrought on me. I’ve been back and forth with my opinion of Toradora …
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  7. Stripey on Toradora

    The first graf is this:

    After marathoning Toradora over the weekend, I finally understood what the fuss/buzz was all about. It is indeed a superb series - one of the best anime romances I have seen. Melding great writing, intriguing characters and focused storytelling, Toradora has been a truly memorable …

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