1. I'm an おたく

    So says a friend: "彼は ... おたくなんだけど" ("aitsu wa ... otaku nandakedo"). I sort of hoped to avoid the inevitable, but it could be worse. Like "ロリコン", for an instance.

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  2. Melancholy of Haruhi-chan 17,18

    Like the "Zombies at the Mall" episode of Penny-Arcade, Melancholy of Haruhi-chan entered an arc of pure, unmitigated fanservice. Yes, I said "arc", as KyotoAni dabbed into continuity in an unprecendented way. They were obviously bound and chained by the mini-episode format. Still, it's all about the fanservice, as screencaps …

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  3. Kabitzin on Druaga

    The simple joys of being a metablogger: you never need to write anything, just find someone who expresses your ideas better than you ever could and link them. The review at Sea Slugs articulates my annoyance with Druaga:Sword that accumulated over the season until I could not take it …

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  4. Sixten gone into the masses

    Sixten is right, the "Calendars" button definitely uses the banner he made for AoMM. I wonder what Peter has to say about it.

    I bet the screencaps from the VN are going to be on 4chan in hours from the release.

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  5. Orion and Guff on FMA

    A blog that was dead since last year suddenly came to life and produced a post on FMA Brotherhood 01, of all things. The power of alchemy!

    Apparently, Hughes is alive and well for some reason. So, must be a remake. Also:

    The most interesting of the new cast is …
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  6. Sunshine Sketch

    Came across Yen's Sunshine Sketch yesterday. Two things:

    First, the wide faces that did so much to sour me on the anime are 100% taken from the manga. The whole style was extremely faithful, actually. The difference is, in the manga the wide faces are used sparingly to underline the …

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  7. Naruto Shippuuden 101

    Checked out the contemporary Naruto, found that it stacks well against the vintage one. I hit a rather sedate episode though.

    In some sequences, it's noticeable that animators save on line drawing and compensate with fluid movements. Aroduc highlighted this issue (alongside comically deformed hands) in his review of K-ON …

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  8. Poor Ashakura and Achakura

    Not sure if I came to hate anime in general like Charles Solomon, or I'm getting tired of the same joke chewed over and ower, but this does not amuse me.

    At least Churuya received some smoked cheese this week.

    UPDATE: Jaalin says:

    The sheer amount of emotional trauma these …
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