1. New Haruhi Episode

    Message from the club president:

    For those as fanatical as I am, there’s a New Haruhi Episode on the Kadokawa channel. It looks exactly like old Haruhi, but there’s 1 minute 30 seconds of new footage interspersed throughout. I swear, this company hates its fans. :/

    For mazochists among …

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  2. Bleg about Tokyo

    Published: Thu 16 April 2009
    By Author

    In taf.

    Does anyone recognize this place by any chance? {Update: found it, see below.}

    I think I took this picture when I walked from Akihabara to Ueno, but I'm not sure. I went over the whole area with Google Maps, and there's nothing like it there. The alternative is the north-west …

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  3. Arashi OMG OMG OMG!

    I watched 8 minutes 45 seconds of Eve no Jikan 01, found it unbearable (more about it later, maybe), and, instead of wallowing in depression, decided to double up by watching [Natsu no] Arashi. Good call.

    In one word: woa. Or, more precisely, OMFG WTF BBQ. I think that's the …

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  4. My blogroll on Arashi

    Blogging under influence (either of drugs, or a freshly finished episode) is rarely a good idea, but let's see what cooler heads offer.

    Beta-Waffle: No information. He's playing his games, I guess.

    {Update: DiGiKerot e-mailed that his Internet was broken, so streaming was impossible. Added: "I do fully intend to …

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  5. Nanobot on Arashi

    I asked an online friend, who was a big fan of SR, for a specific comment on Arashi (yes, I'm pulling all sorts of levers behind the scenes). Here's the expert opinion:

    I think it's terrible. A big disappointment, considering I also usually like SHAFT's stuff. The art comes across …
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  6. Zyl on 801th Airbats

    See why I repeat myself so much: others might miss it the first time around. In this case Zyl quotes his own ancient review:

    The gung-ho mecha-freak Isurugi “accidentally” wins the romantic affections of the two most prominent pilots, the sweet Haneda and the tomboyish Mitaka, as well as acceptance …
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    The issue 4 of Gurren Lagann Parallel Works is one of my favourites for many reasons. One of them is the catgirl news anchor. She's so cute!

    The lettering always picqued my curiosity. Unfortunately, if I use commonly available translation tables, gibberish comes out: "HIGAIJAJUDAI". That even sounds vaguely Japanese …

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  8. Tycho on Anime

    Tycho wrote at Penny Arcade today:

    I've been bitten by anime before, and learned to avoid its sting. ... Lord a'mighty, this would be an expensive habit. I thought gaming had a price tag attached.

    I don't think anyone was able to kick the gaming habit yet. The Borg never releases …

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