1. Pretear... begins?

    My first impression is about the same as from Princess Tutu: Pretear is nice and everything, but it's not for me. I can hear howls of outrage already, but the they misguided: I realize that Tutu is a much stronger show. I'm only discussing the decision-making process here.

    Yoko Ishida …

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  2. Druaga 08

    Episode 08 of Tower of Druaga had all marks of a filler, except it wasn't. Also, Kaaya shows that she can carry a hidden agenda.

    Does this look familiar?

    I've seen this ritual in Nadeshiko:

    There, it was revealed that they drank a fruit-flavoured milk drink. Here, Coopa reveals the …

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  3. BEI to absorb BV

    While I was away from the computer, dozens of bloggers reported the joyous news: Bandai Visial USA is gone, Bandai Entertainment endures (and so do my definite must-get releases of Lucky Star, Rocket Girls, and Gurren-Lagann). I've read about if at Astro, who linked to ANN. But I think this …

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  4. GAINAX at Fanime

    While I rub tresholds of government offices, Giapet visits Gainax panel only 50 km to the south-south-east.

    BTW, this is what I heard of it a few weeks ago:

    <Fireye> as duckroll explained earlier, some gainax guys always come to fanime
    <Fireye> they're really coming over as a company writeoff …
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  5. Hidamari's faces

    Sasa looks forward to summer (and this time it's her) and Hidamari reimplementation "x365":

    The main achievement of Hidamari Sketch is, in my opinion, the most endearing facial expressions that anime has ever brough. Of course only die-hard fans like me would appreciate it, so Hidamari Sketch will hopefully fill …
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  6. Aziz on Escaflowne series

    For some reason, this struck me as hilarious:

    My only beef so far is the weird noses. It’s way worse than in the film. Is Garry Trudeau one of the lead animators or something? And I just don’t understand the hairshine thing either. I was, however, pleased to …
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  7. Rocket Girls rework for DVD

    According to a post @AoD forums, Rocket Girls will receive a significant rework for the DVD (unfortunately, I was unable to find a more direct source).

    The contrast looks pretty drastic. I heard about reworks before, but never saw anything of this magnitude.

    There is no word on the horrors …

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  8. Kanokon off free streaming

    As reported by Canned Dogs:

    Online streaming site Gyao has announced that they’ll no longer have online streaming for Kanokon from ep 7 onwards because it’s getting too extreme. Another streaming site Biglobe has also announced that they will no longer be offering free streaming of Kanokon and …
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  9. Evirus on Sky Girls

    Since the Wonderducks's hilarious "Dear Dad..." account is lost forever [*], I suppose the post at Karmaburn is my new canonical description from now on. Evirus is quite tame in it though:

    Sky Girls TV is mostly harmless. It takes no risks and offers little to offend or titillate. The series …
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  10. Shiro on... Utena?

    Talk about unexpected. But the initial impression is quite positive.

    Utena was sitting in my queue for quite a while, hampered by the poor availability. The database entry says, verbatim: "Apparently not game? jpmeyer's 10; V.long (10 disc 1ser)". Yes, the length is a problem. If Netflix had it …

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