I am back from JLPT. Ana-sempai took level 3, I took level 4. I think I did well on reading, rotten on listening and grammar. The test was very light on kanji.

    In my room, out of 32 people, 3 were old weaboos (no women among them, naturally). A sad …

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  2. Inteview at Sea Slugs

    Kabitzin (and Ender) interviewed me yesterday. I am flattered. The Sea Slugs were on my reading list for a long time. Also they spared no effort to gather all those links (I sent several, but not all).

    UPDATE: Regarding BigN's puzzlement, I'm pretty certain that I found his blog while …

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  3. Love Umbrella

    A post at Sea Slugs explains in passing the styling of this carving:

    It's a Love Umbrella, or "あいあい傘". The format resembles both an umbrella and the character for it.

    It's also remarkable that Dan's name retains its -kun in Miya-Miya's carving.

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  4. Taniguchi

    One odd experience of watching Haruhi now is how the history unfolds backwards. When one blogger insisted on calling Shiraishi "Taniguchi", it confused me. Shiraishi didn't voice Kyon, so what was it? Well, now I know, and I know where "Wa-wa-wasuremono" comes from. Curiously, both Shiraishi and Ono appear on …

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  5. Japanese understatements

    Seen in Nakama ch.10:


    Which approximately means, "my house has burned down in a fire, no life necessities left, so …

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  6. ef in Newtype USA

    The November 2007 issue of Newtype USA is on the shelves, and it has a one-page feature about ef. It isn't even an article, just a collection of one-paragraph blurbs in the collage with a poster, and a summary of about 200 words. The anime they write about has little …

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  7. Not dead yet

    I'm hesitant to post another hiatus notice, but it looks like I have some RL things compete with blogging, and the Japanese TV season ended the start-up and discovery phases, so expect just an occasional post about a Netflix catch after this quick status. By an odd coincidence I have …

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  8. Mainstream journalism

    Seen a link today about a high-schooler suspended after writing names of a few of his classmates into a Death Note book. I'm pleasantly surprised by the reporter, Sean Muserallo, getting basic details right:

    The Japanese comic book is about a high school student who rids the world of evil …
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