1. School Rumble begins

    So, everyone on the Net goes mad about ef. Meanwhile, in the Region 1...

    I picked School Rumble by suggestion from Nanobot. He promised "amazing character development involving Karasuma", and after watching 4 episodes I am pretty certain that cruelly pranked me. Karasuma is a side character with a Rock …

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  2. ef stampede

    The blogging enthusiasm about ef has caught me by surprise. It is my top pick of the season, but I was certain that most people would share Jeff Lawson's sentiment and get bored quickly.

    DS has posted a strip at Daijobu, which runs like so:

    BLOGGER (spotts a torrent): Oh …

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  3. Wonderduck and YKK

    At first it's surprising that someone might not be aware of the iconic work, but on the other hand, we all had to discover it one day. So does Mr. Duck.

    I am (proudly) an anime man and do not read manga as a rule. There is a certain danger …

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  4. Hard to say

    AD2225 must be kidding:

    Started another series. This time, Idolmaster Xenoglassia. One hell of a hard to spell name. Not quite as bad as Utablabla, but close. (I still can’t spell that one, and honestly I’m not sure I got this one right..)

    Look, it's not hard... You …

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  5. Badger on ef 3

    I had to delay a reply to Concrete Badger's ef 3 post until I collected some material, but here it is now.

    It’s a show that has divided opinion (and dropped off quickly in popularity, judging by the BT download speeds and stats) but the very reasons that have …
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  6. ef early discussion

    It looks that produced some fruitful blog discourse as watchers grapple with the concepts. I was behind on the series, and I regret that I haven't read it before, because of concern for spoilers. Some of it is spoilerific indeed, but I see now that ef is strong enough to …

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  7. AX tackles queues

    Seen at Anime Diet with a reference to ANN:

    The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, the parent company of Anime Expo (AX), has announced that it has hired a third-party company to oversee registration starting in 2008. Experient's services will include a dedicated pre-registration site with group and …
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  8. Impz on BambooB

    Seen at THAT:

    Tamaki is slowly stealing the show away from the magnificent Miya Miya (a very freaking strong version of a vicious tsundere) with her sudden strange face making. I am definitely having a very huge dilemma whether Tamaki is better or Miya Miya is better. Both have their …
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  9. Not paying attention

    I am on my own tonight and I was just going to have a supper of frozen taiyaki... Or what I thought were frozen taiyakis. By an accident, I recognized my error before I tried to thaw them, when I saw a cross-section on the side which displayed something white …

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  10. Dennou Coil begins

    Dennou Coil was recommended by many people, starting with my friend Joe (not an animeblogger, a catblogger). It was a while ago and I remember how unimpressive screenshots were: very basic art, bleak color key, computerized inserts. Now that I've seen it, I can say that the vicarious impression was …

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