1. Anime experts, LOL

    Seen at Daily Yomiuri Online:

    [Trulee Karahashi, the new CEO of SJPA (promoters of AX)] thought Gundam Wing might be even more popular among American girls than boys, despite its seemingly guyish "mecha" (giant robot warrior) theme.

    I'm pretty sure that Trulee cannot be so naiive, but I suppose the …

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  2. MediaDefender

    Ars has the best scoop, and Bruce Schneier offers an additional transcript. This seems like a real war (PCs 0wned, DoS, and guvmint), which we haven't yet started feeling despite the best efforts of ADV's Ledford and the like, but the one is bound to remake anime as we know …

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  3. RahXephon addendum

    I talked with my kids about RahXephon and several items cropped up. Needless to say, this is going to spoil a lot.

    Firstly, criticisms:

    * Why does nobody recognize Ixtil when she appears in the shape of Mishima?

       I supposed that it has to do with the way people change over …

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  4. Reminiscing wave

    Bloggers love rehashing their path to enlightment and the gateway drug. Today, Nick and Mark succumb to the temptation. Truth to be told, I'd love to share some of that with the world too, but I don't think anyone would be interested, because my generation gap is backwards: I saw …

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  5. No, it's much worse

    Steven mentions that "every three months we get at least a couple of dozen new titles". You'd wish... Although not as high as spring's 56 (!), the upcoming season features 42 new shows. The scoop is at HH Hashi, who herself links to MoonPhase (not a permalink -- Japanese are so...). Worryingly …

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  6. Impz's paper

    Published: Sun 16 September 2007
    By Author

    In meta.

    When I heard about the Impz's paper/thesis, he only mentioned that a) his major was media economics, and b) he studies anime blogs and collects some data on links. It sounded a bit strange, because media economics people study things like the way ownership and consolidation affect the news …

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  7. Nadesico ends

    I only watched Nadesico because it was somewhat of a classic.

    But it was pretty good, although I think it's another series suffering from being overlong: half of it can be thrown away without damage to the story.

    I've got some funny screencaps with subtitles like, "Perhaps you should have …

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  8. Clean breast about Vandread

    I saw a panegyric to Meia at Karmaburn yesterday, and that got me thinking just why she wasn't my favourite in Vandread. She is quite cool and seems like a pleasant and strong character. I cannot remember well now, it was so long ago.

    If I wrote a good summary …

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  9. BigN on Azumanga

    Seen at Drastic (there was no attribution, so I presume BigN himself wrote it):

    20. Was anyone else tired of the comparisons between Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh? Is the latter really a paragon of slice of life school comedy anime?

    I understand the question was made in jest, but …

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