1. Keitai Shoujo at BOST

    I finally got around to looking at BOST. Unfortunately, there was nothing to buy. The Keitai Shoujo is free of charge for now, and the other titles are not available in America. The flash video itself works well enough. The quality is about what we were getting with fansubs in …

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  2. Lawson on Lucky Star

    Jeff places Lucky Star (らき☆すた) on step 8 with this:

    So, despite being an uneven show, Lucky Star somehow managed to keep me hooked. Was it some sort of Kyoto Animation voodoo magic? Was I just really, really bored? Did I have a crush on Kagami?

    Nothing …

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  3. Orion on plushies

    Seen at epic win:

    6. Boota

    The adorable sunglasses wearing, self-sacrificing mascot of the Gurren-dan would make for a great plushie! I could just sit him next to me on my desk and feel the spiral power flowing as I kick writer’s block to the curb and pierce the …

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  4. Barren wasteland

    Josh posted a weekly release list, and it's just bad. Haven't seen such an empty week in a while: 21 release and not a single one worth watching. Amazing! Also, the sub steamroller continues to advance (38% of the 21 are subtitled releases), it's too bad they keep subbing garbage …

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  5. Rocket Girls again

    I was scanning quickly through Rocket Girls to grab a few screencaps of credits (for some reason I thought it was interframed in Vietnam, like ef, and I hoped to match the names of interframers, but it turned out that I remembered wrong, and Rocket Girls were farmed to China …

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  6. The impossibility of Top 10

    Steven chastizes Jeff for not being enthusiastic enough about the 10 notables of the year:

    2007 really must have sucked if Jeff couldn't find ten series he was genuinely enthusiastic about, and doesn't have to apologize for recommending.

    The problem mainly that indeed, while making 150 series a year, the …

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  7. ef's strange eyecatches

    I already complained about the references in ef, but obviously the creators aren't listening. Here's one of the more blatant ones from ep.8:

    For those not in the know it's a reference to Clannad, a show which is currently on the air! I mean, seriously. At least wait until …

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  8. From the trenches

    Avatar subtitles Nanoha professionally.

    It [realities of DVD subtitles] definitely affects my timing practices. I'm very likely to leave subtitles contiguous (no gap between) if they're overlapping with something, unless the amount of space between them is huge. I'm also significantly less likely to include unimportant background dialog - sure, subtitle …
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  9. Haruhi ends

    I thought I would never be able to shake off the crazy blog hype that surrounded Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I forgot about it pretty quickly. Perhaps because my impressions were contrary to most old writing that I saw.

    Firstly, the animation quality jumps all over the place. It's …

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  10. Lawson on Tokimeki

    Jeff says, "a breath of fresh air", and:

    I don’t watch as many bishoujo game adaptations nowadays as I did in the past. Somewhere along the line, I grew tired of the extraneous stories and cookie cutter characters so typical of the genre. Occasionally, however, an adaptation will come …
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