Astro added the parting notice without updating the site feed, but Fledge was on the ball.
In case anyone is wondering about today's strip at Daijoubu, "Uranusine" is a take-off on "Saturnine", the handle of Owen. TheLargeN represents TheBigN. Thus the strip is about the self-organization of bloggers and Owen's megalomaniacal scheming to take over the animeblogging world.
P.S. Dear DS, please use an anti-aliased …
read moreI think Saturnine is pleading for linkage today.
I noticed that a majority of the anime blogs out there acted like RSS never existed, pingbacks and trackbacks were non-words, and comments souped up ego boosting (or as I like to say, e-go) guestbook entries. What links? Fellow anime bloggers didn …read more
I saw an enormous jump in use of Google Reader in the server logs overnight [1], so I hypothesize that the link, which Kabitzin inserted into the interview makes folks to try out the Google Reader. Don't do it, people, that way lies abyss! Use normal feedreaders! I'm quite aware …
read moreI saw an interesting post at AoMM. It is, unfortunately, meta – a bloggage about blogging – but it's pretty insightful. The other time I'd toss up a post "Jason on blogging" and engage in nitpicking. But what attracted my attention today was the lead picture: I can only think of it …
read moreOne thing which looks immediately fishy in the in-post summary is the preposterously low 9% attrition rate on top of 338 participation count. I am quite certain that it arises from the self-selection, e.g. Impz first asked blog readers to contact him if they were interested. Only then they …
read moreAccording to a post at BasuGasuBakuHaku, 9rules decided to unravel.
Tangentially, Hung touches upon the spontaneous discussions in blogs. Although he shows good examples, I think he's a bit optimistic. We are not well connected yet. Sometimes I think that I'm the master quoter and linker (at least of AB …
read moreI ran across another set of tips today, which apparently is the only entry into a contest Kabitzin was running. In the entry, Josh is talking up the old dogma of periodic posting:
read moreI’ve gotten a lot better about that (as my now over 400 blog posts will attest …
When I heard about the Impz's paper/thesis, he only mentioned that a) his major was media economics, and b) he studies anime blogs and collects some data on links. It sounded a bit strange, because media economics people study things like the way ownership and consolidation affect the news …
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