1. Evirus on Shirobako


    Through five episodes, I can't quite dispassionately decide if the show itself is simply good, or if I'm biased toward viewing it in a more favorable light because I personally find fascinating the subject matter and behind-the-scenes details revealed by the show.

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  2. Denki-Gai no Honya-san 06

    I was running out of things to watch tonight, so I went to poke at queued series Vanadis and Daitoshokan (both at Hulu). Both were disappointing enough in the first few seconds that I gave up. Tatsuo Sato seems to be losing his touch... But what to do? I dusted …

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  3. Hyouka ends

    The common theme for reviews of Hyouka is to laud its animation while sounding disappointed about the story. But I found it delivering on both counts.

    The animation of motion is frankly astonishing in Hyouka, and it's pervasive. It looked to me at least a half step above of what …

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  4. Twintails 04

    Everyone else have seen 05, but being a slave of FUNi's legal not-quite-simulcast I haven't. Anyhow, here's one small thought, since it's becoming clear that different attributes exist, with Twintails being the most powerful. Did anyone notice that Twirl surrendered her old primary attribute... but she still has one remaining …

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  5. Kylaran on AmaBuri

    This is too good not to share. Buried in a slicer post at The Behind, the first impressions of Amagi Brilliant Park:

    Look, I understand the need to differentiate your story from other light novels. I certainly understand that originality is more valued over writing finesse in this area of …

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  6. Hyouka begins

    Most bloggers were lukewarm to Hyouka, with (the sadly retired) IKnight tweeting: "Finished Hyouka. Eh. I guess I'm glad I watched it.". So, I'm not quite sure what brought this on. I suppose I wanted something soft and a little out there, but not too much.

    In that sense Hyouka …

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  7. The hatelist updates

    Historically the failing anime are classified at Ani-nouto into several groups, although the borders are somewhat fluid.

    Rejects. These are series that I do not plan to touch ever again. The list is populated by both series that I watched and those that were rejected without a chance. Since this …

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