1. Anime Almanac on digital distribution

    Scott's latest opus reminded me that Funimation supposedly offers a DTO with the following off-hand remark: "After finding success in the “download-to-own” model of digital distribution, FUNimation entered the simulcast game last September blah blah blah". After the reprehensible move away from DTO on Crunchyroll asserted itself this season, this …

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  2. Names of K-ON

    Since Manabi had a special scheme for names, I went to check if names in K-ON had some cute gaglet attached. But according to ANN, it turned out to be a bit of pandering to fans of rock, or an inside joke at best:

    The family names of the four …
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  3. Other half of anime fans

    Steven wrote: "So many of us in my immediate circle of anime blog-friends are men (like all of them) that it's easy to overlook the fact that there are a lot of women fans out there too." Not sure what he's emplying here. For myself, I never felt disconnected from …

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  4. Gia asks Naruto fans

    In an inversion of John's answer schtick, Gia asks, "If you're one of the online Naruto watchers, where do you tune in?"

    I watch Shippuuden on Crunchyroll. Sure, Crunchy is evil, but then is Hulu not evil? Gia wrote herself that Hulu was built by incumbents.

    But overall I resent …

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  5. Hashi-hime on Spring 2009

    Published: Mon 27 April 2009
    By Author

    In anime.

    Translations: en

    While Jason Miao tried to return with the thin slicing last week, it just wasn't the same anymore. But Hashi-hime still goes strong. The article is easy to scroll and digest, is well sourced, and I find its capsule comments dangerously persuasive. For example, for Arashi: "Too shounen for me …

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  6. John on remakes

    Under the guise of an answer, he collates known remakes. Surprisingly, there aren't that many, although the only item that I see bypassed is Tenchi (where TV series borrowed heavily from the OVA).

    By the way, I'm pretty sure that the questions he uses as an excuse are real. A …

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  7. DiGiKerot lampoons Saki

    But he does it visually. Outstanding! I think the funniest part is how he applied the vaunted "trauma" to the opposite member. Everyone loves the freaking trauma so much. What's so good about it?

    BTW, Nanoha GamerS 35 came out yesterday. It seems to struggle in its rut a bit …

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