1. SDB's lookahead buffer

    Steven publishes blurbs. Let's see...

    Bamboo Blade: Funny, nice cast. Nothing special, but has a category at Ani-nouto.

    Umisho: No information. Jason Miao was big on it.

    Nagasarete Airantou: No information. Although... I remember Steven being hard on Sister Princess in J.P.'s comments for girls being props. Well …

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  2. AstroNerdBoy on HoiHoi-san

    The post at Astronerdboy laments the lack of "a proper anime adaptation" for HoiHoi-san. Boy, do I remember that. In the world of remakes, fresh ideas at at premium, which is what actually makes HoiHoi-san's passing below the radar so lamentable.

    It should be painfully clear to fans of …

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  3. Cokematic on Hockey anime

    I laughed. One note though, the sport's lack of popularity is no impediment. Sure, popularity won't hurt. Witness the endless progression of baseball anime: Big Windup, One Outs and so on. But it's not like Mahjong is the national sport of Japan.

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  4. Kabitzin on Hatsukoi kick

    He is right, the kick is possible. I know this from experience without doing any calculations. However, anyone who's any good is smarter than that. There's no power in it at the top end of one's reach. What she should have done (or creators should've done if they cared for …

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  5. Melancholy of Haruhi-chan 21,22

    Hanners reminded me to check the new Haruhi-chan.

    Churuya realizes the potential that the main show promised but never delivered. I'm afraid that I'll need to buy the DVD, just as the evil Chairman Kadokawa planned when he uploaded these clips.

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  6. Pixy on Erfworld anime

    He proclaims that the world needs an Erfworld anime. The timing of the announcement suggests that Pixy saw the page of Wanda fanservice with GiTS-esque ruminations.

    I don't think Erfworld brings much to the table. There was so much BAMF anime before, and bamfing into the middle of a brutal …

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  7. Meaning of K-ON title

    Seen this off-hand remark by Sixten:

    [] what is more interesting is [Mr. Watanabe's] stated occupation, “K-On”. Apparently, in addition to being a high-level Magic player, he is a professional musician who plays in a light music (軽音楽, “keiongaku”, or “kei-on” for short) band.

    Why, I didn't know that …

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  8. New Azu(manga), new chapters?

    Oh goodie. Zepy reports:

    Azuma Kiyohiko will be doing three all new chapters for the new monthly magazine by Shogakukan called Gessan (short for Monthly Shounen Sunday). These new chapters will also be in the Shogakukan special re-release version of Azumanga which will be recompiled to 3 books instead of …
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  9. SDB on Saki 01


    And I just watched the first [episode]. And you know what? It was really good!

    As to the yuri elements, well, yeah there's some of that. [...] It's suggestive to the people who are looking for yuri elements, but it can also be read completely innocently.

    The initial story of …

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  10. TJ on Shangri-la

    The man raises in Shangri-la's defence, with passages like:

    People think GONZO sucks, and thus watch Shangri-La to spot instances where GONZO sucks.

    That's an astute observation, in general. Once a certain mindset sets in, you may throw Tatsuo Sato on the problem, and it will sink anyway. That said …

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