I almost do not watch anime recently, but when Otome Geimu no Hametsu Flag etc. etc. comes out, I'll give it a try for sure (the failure of Rimuru the Slime notwithstanding). The manga is that good.
read moreThe rocket mogul has taken to Twitter with expressions of love of anime that left heathens shocked. What's particularly interesting about it, we're talking about a guy who's in with the Hollywood so much that he even got a cameo in Iron Man 2. And yet he's not a snob …
read moreIn our days, when Rimuru the Slime anime succeeds Death March and Dorei Majutsu on air, the traditional isekai is well established. Everyone loves frolicking in a slave harem. However, it's not the only defined form of isekai. Its antagonist is, for the lack of a better term, the chick …
read moreAlso known by its original name of Neko-neko Nihonshi, the cat thing is a delight. Although, truth to be told, I'm not entirely sure about some of the characters, most are quite recognizeable. Shinsegumi commanders, for example, or Ryoma Saotome. The episode of Sei Shounagon is my most favourite, with …
read moreInitially, [Darling in the] FranXX came on my radar because everyone latched on the supposed sexual innuendo (even Evirus). Later, Faust came strongly in favor, although on Smug.Loli instead of his own blog:
read moreDo you like Trigger's Darling in the FranXX? Their early work was a little too cartoonish …
In the time-honored tradition of never dropping anything, but suspending series forever, there were more in the year since Flying Witch fell flat on its face.
Planetarian: Seen 3. It's very short, but it's basically the suffering porn, like Grave of the Fireflies, which I dropped 2/3 in too …
read moreI received postcard from a reader that took an issue with the narrative of the impeding isekai breakout, citing "Konosuba, Gate:JSDF, Outbreak Company, Re:Zero, even Fushigi Yugi". Yes, of course. Twelve Kingdoms, too. It's just that I feel something missing from all of those.
read moreThere's a video on Youtube, captured from BBC that reports on Doki-Doki Literature Club. It's a shitty game that I meant to bash from the weaboo perspective: Yuri setting tea kettle for "212 degrees", then reading a book left-to-right. But really it's no worse than all such excreta (RWBY, Katawa …
read moreIn the past year or so, my intake of anime was trending down steadily, being displaced mostly by the isekai manga. I literally went to a pirate scanlation site and searched all manga with "isekai" in the name, as well as "dorei", "tensei", collected the results, and been busy reading …
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