1. Watamote ch.58

    I don't want to announce a turnaround, since there were such false flashes before, but Watamote manga suddently took a turn to good in ch.58. It didn't follow up in ch.59, but there's a hope. It really depends on what signals the Japanese readers send.

    Somewhat unsirprisingly, the …

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  2. Omo and Lawson on Kanon

    Watching a classic many years later in a batch mode offers obvious convenience advantages, but it makes one miss on all the fun discussions. And there sure were some. My kinda blog-friend from SDB's halo, Wonderduck, apparently was a big fan, for one (the leader of geriatric animebloggers himself boycotts …

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  3. Kanon ends

    Against my better judgement, I marathoned the last 8 or 10 episodes, and I have no regrets. The ending was somewhat fragmented, but made sense.

    One of most notable things for me was seeing the vintage KyoAni at work. Haruhi was poorly animated in many places, but it demonstrated what …

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  4. Kanon spoiler question

    It's major spoiler, so try not to read any further if it's a problem.

    No kidding.

    And it's not answered in Tappan's Spoiler Notes.

    Without further ado:

    We know that Makoto is around enough to manifest, and even positively affect the goings-on in the real world. Tappan's interpretation is that …

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  5. Welcome to The Space Show

    A local arthouse cinema was showing Welcome to The Space Show, so we went. It was an extremely kid's movie, and an extravaganza end to end. It made the Watchkovsky brothers' Speed Racer feel like a hardbroiled social drama.

    Despite being animated by A-1, the movie didn't look like iM …

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  6. Kanon begins

    Examining my records and digging through my old fansub stash, I found that I never actually watched the 2006 Kanon, so what the heck... It promises a shortcut to all the stories, which would take too much trouble to play through.

    A couple of episodes in, it matches the game …

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  7. Kanon for iPad

    Back in 2005 or so, at Aniverse's #anime, one of my buddies, Matt "Mashu" Kern was much into Kanon, then in Toei anime release. He made me to suffer through some 5 episodes. When the KyoAni remake came about, I gave it a try too, but it was no better …

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  8. Trigger discipline

    On topic of trigger discipline, this was at Cinderella Girls today:

    Tsk, tsk.

    Steven also explains why he didn't actually watch Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka thus:

    "Cute girls doing cute things" isn't a genre I really get into. Strawberry Marshmallow and Yuru Yuri kind of overdosed me. I couldn't …

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  9. Weaboo Adventures in American iTunes

    Something prompted me to search at iTunes by entering Japanese keywords, such as "アイドル", and guess what? They have a few J titles leaking over. So far I grabbed a talking clock "MoeJiFukuZ", terrible quasi-VN "Kuudere Kanojo", and Kanon for iPad, which comes untranslated for some reason …

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  10. SAO vs Log Horizon

    At a meeting of my fabulous anime club, I had a chance to watch SAO and Log Horizon back to back, and frankly Log Hor wins hands down. SAO has better production values, it looks like an anime asking for HD experience. But its characters are not anyone I would …

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