1. Sailor Moon Crystal 01

    Impact of Sailor Moon Crystal awoke The Pink Sylphide after more than a year of hiatus and Chris' post made to give it a try. It seems like a straight-up reboot, and reboot of Kanon was awesome, so...

    But when I saw the puss-in-boots logo, I felt dread. The no-good …

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  2. Kanon at Google

    Apparently, an official port exists, but Google refuses to sell it in America.

    What really makes this eggregious is that Visual Arts do not appear to have a zero-tolerance xenophobic stance like Minori. I bought Kanon from U.S. iTunes, so there's no veto problem or rights problem. It's just …

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  3. One-week Friends begins

    This series sets a record at Ani-nouto by beginning and suspending in 1 minute 30 seconds. The story is simple. Isshyuukan Friends anime is by far the blogging leader this season. I even thought about putting together a zero-ep "bloggers on series" post. But the bloggage is so insanely spoilerish …

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  4. GochiUsa begins

    Belive it or not, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? came very close to being dropped after ep.3. It was much too overdone and saccharine.

    However, the series gradually righted itself. Sure, things continued to be somewhat simplified, such as when Cocoa was playing with a wire puzze: the outcome …

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  5. I am afraid Madoka is inevitable

    I am currently away from home for a business meeting, and one of the attendees is a Japanese gentleman, whom we shall call Mr. Tz., for privacy's sake. A group of us went for a dinner today, and the following exchange took place:

    AUTHOR: "So... What are your hobbies?"

    MR …

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  6. Anime for Rip van Vinkle, Jr.

    Someone asked Evirus if he missed anything noteworthy in several years away from anime. The answer was:

    I wish I could point to some amazing bit of anime that you missed over the past few years, but nothing really stands out. Oh, there is a lot of material that's very …

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  7. Not a P

    A mega con report at our mega P's blog caught my attention with this (among other things):

    I tried to engage with as many other tables as I could and what I understood was that the table beside us became the DD table. DD stands for "daredemo daisuki" which essentially …

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  8. Kanon personalities

    In-game Yuichi is a bit of a dick to everyone Ayu (red headband) comes on the street, greets him. Akiko asks who that is, Yuichi answers that it's an unknown girl. Grand finale - Tappan puts a positive spin, but it's all in the writing! And Ayu's heart of gold. I … read more
  9. Tokidoki Precure Ramune

    The Precure candy may be no more after Fresh, Heartcatch, and Suite, but I was able to score a Tokidoki bottle.

    While I do not believe that anyone can ever rival Cure White and Cure Black, I consider once in a while if I should try any other series. From …

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